Welcome to my site of Engineering links. This is my personal "Website of Reading" links.
Anytime I find an interesting link that I might use it again, I just place it here.
If you find a useful resources great, but the intended page is for my reading material that I access from anywhere
Please send me an e-mail directly "W.Henriquez @ IEEE.org" (No spaces before and after symbol "@"). Engineering is my passion in life since I graduated in a technical high school abroad many years ago in "Radio/TV-Electronics Repair", setting the tone to eventually become an Engineer but first, working as a technician repair (TV/Radio/Telephones), R&D Engineering Technician, and then, as a Full Engineer after my BSEE graduation. I am a life learning student, always learning but reviewing concepts since our brain requires to bring up front what is burrier deep down in our memory. I am IEEE member of the societies MTTS/EMC/ANTENNA/SSSD/CAS, and an Eta Kappa Nu. Sorry for any broken links if they do not work, but Web pages comes and goes. This website of links started back in the year 2000 when I was wearing a double hat at my job (Design Engr and MIS admin). I have seen all types of technologies waves comes and goes; so, learning never stops, but I keep the memories of those years. Today technology, many take it for granted, but I do recommend to visit the museum of history and discovery of technologies and honor and respects for those pioneers from the past (great genius). (My Photo taken in 2019 in my MSCE Graduation, still competing with young students).